Housing Development at Kilboderry Td, Carrick-on-Shannon
Section 179A: Construct 18 no. fully serviced residential units consisting of 12 no. 2 bedroom dwellings and 6 no. 1 bedroom apartments and all associated services at Kilboderry Td., Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim.
Pursuant to the requirements of Section 179A of the Planning and Development Regulations, 2023, notice is hereby given that Leitrim County Council proposes to carry out a development, particulars of which are set out in the Schedule hereunder.
Location | Proposed Works |
Kilboderry Td., Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim | The development will consist of 18 No. fully serviced residential units consisting of 12 no. 2 bedroom dwellings (in 2 No. terraced blocks) and 6 no. 1 bedroom apartments (in 2 No. blocks). The proposed development will also consist of a new entrance, car parking spaces, boundary walls/fences, footpaths, private open spaces, bin storages, landscaping, formation of new connections to existing piped water services and existing utilities, and all associated site works. |
In accordance with the requirements of Article 81A of the Planning and Development (Section 179A) Regulations 2023, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) screening determination has been made and concludes that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development. A determination has been made that an EIA is not therefore required.
In accordance with the requirements of Article 81A of the Planning and Development (Section 179A) Regulations 2023, an Appropriate Assessment (AA) screening determination has also been made. Leitrim County Council has determined that the proposed development would not be likely to give rise to significant or indeterminate impacts on any European site. Accordingly, a determination has been made that the proposed development is not required to undergo an Appropriate Assessment under the Habitats Directive.
The plans and particulars of the proposed housing development will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours at the offices of Leitrim County Council, Áras an Chontae, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim, N41 PF67.
The plans and particulars of the proposed housing development are also available below.
Please be advised that the proposed development is being undertaken in accordance with the provisions of Section 179A of the Planning & Development Act 2000, as amended. The proposed development is therefore exempted development which does not have to undertake a Part 8 public consultation process. The purpose of this notice is to make you aware of our intentions to undertake this development. There is no provision within the legislation for submissions or observations to be made to the Local Authority.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the Planning Authority within an 8 week period by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with sections 50 and 50A of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended. This period of 8 weeks begins on the date of the publication of this newspaper notice (and erection of the site notice) Wednesday 16th August 2023 and ends on Wednesday 11th October 2023. The development will not commence until this period of 8 weeks expires.
Further information generally is available by contacting the Housing Capital Office, Housing Department Leitrim County Council, directly on 071 9620005.
1.-Section-179A-Report-prepared-by-Housing-&-Planning-Departments.pdf (size 735.1 KB)
2.-Newspaper-Notice.pdf (size 112.8 KB)
3.-Site-Notice.pdf (size 176.6 KB)
4.-Site-Location-Map.pdf (size 122.1 KB)
6.-House-Type--A----Floor-Plans,-Elevations-&-Section.pdf (size 2.4 MB)
7.-House-Type--B----Floor-Plans,-Elevations-&-Section.pdf (size 2.4 MB)
8.-Street-Elevations,-Site-Sections-and-Images.pdf (size 4.2 MB)
9.-Boundary-Wall-Details,-Elevations-and-Images.pdf (size 5.5 MB)
10.-Site-Services-Layout---Water.pdf (size 724 KB)
11.-Site-Services-Layout---Foul-&-Storm.pdf (size 801.1 KB)
12.-Site-Layout-Plan_Vehicle-Swept-Path.pdf (size 5.2 MB)
13.-Architects-Briefing-Report.doc.pdf (size 1.1 MB)
14.-Housing-Quality-Assessment-Report.pdf (size 600.3 KB)
15.-Appropriate-Assessment-Screening-Report.pdf (size 2.7 MB)
16.-Environmental-Impact-Assessment-Screening-Report.pdf (size 818 KB)
17.-AA--EIA-Screening-Recommemndation.pdf (size 312.1 KB)
18.-Habitats-Directive_Determination_Managers-Order_230808.pdf (size 102.9 KB)
19.-EIA-Directive_Determination_Managers-Order_230808.pdf (size 127.7 KB)
20.-Invasive-Species-Report.pdf (size 623.4 KB)
21.-Archaeological-Impact-Assessment-Report.pdf (size 4 MB)