Carrick on Shannon Local Area Plan 2010 - 2019
Carrick on Shannon Local Area Plan 2010 - 2019
Amendment No. 2 - Carrick on Shannon Local Area Plan 2010-2019
Amendment No. 2 of the Carrick on Shannon Local Area Plan 2010-2019 was made at the Council meeting of May 8th 2018. The Amendment amends the existing policy framework contained in the Local Area Plan to incorporate the provisions of the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act, 2015 with respect to the introduction of the Vacant Site Levy and extended provisions of Urban Renewal and Regeneration generally. The Amendment identifies the manner in which the Vacant Site Levy will be applied in the Local Area Plan and the land use zoning objectives potentially affected by same. The Amendment necessitated the addition of new objectives and amendments to existing policies contained in the Written Statement of the Carrick on Shannon Local Area Plan 2010 – 2019 and the incorporation of consequential and other changes to the Plan arising from the Amendment. The Amendment takes effect from Tuesday 5th June 2018.
Amendment No. 2 of the Carrick on Shannon LAP 2010-2019
SEA Determination Amendment No. 2 of the Carrick on Shannon LAP 2010-2019
AA Screening Report Carrick on Shannon Local Area Plan Amendment No. 2
Chief Executives report on submissions received to Amendment No.2 Carrick on Shannon LAP
Book of Maps
Carrick On Shannon Zoning Types
Enterprise and Employment
One of the most common conflicts between neighbouring land uses is traffic generation. The plan has been designed to cluster heavy traffic generating activities (enterprise and employment) at the edge of the town, with good access onto the national road network and minimal impact on residential areas. Other common conflicts between land uses that commonly arise are visual, noise, odour and light pollution.
Employment generating development likely to lead to such nuisances will be directed to the area zoned ‘Enterprise & Employment’. Other employment generating development that is not likely to create a significant nuisance to neighbours may be acceptable in the areas zoned ‘Mixed Use’ and ‘Primarily Residential’. (See Table 2.1 land use matrix)
Residential Development
Residential development will be encouraged in the lands zoned ‘Primarily Residential’. The Council seeks to encourage high quality residential schemes, with convenient and safe access to local services and a safe and pleasant local environment. The Council will strive towards the ideal of mixed residential neighbourhoods, where people of different social and economic backgrounds and of different ages live in proximity and harmony.
It is envisaged that the bulk of residential development will take place on lands zoned ‘Primarily Residential’. Other development that does not negatively impact on the residential use of neighbouring lands will also be open for consideration in this zone. Certain institutional and community uses, small scale enterprises and shops can enliven residential areas and ensure local services are easily available. The key to their acceptability will be their impact on neighbouring residential amenity.
The purpose of land use zoning is to indicate the planning authority's intentions for all lands within the boundaries of Carrick-on-Shannon. The land use zoning objectives are detailed below and are shown on the Zoning Map (Map No.1). A range of land uses are listed in the land use matrix in Table 2.4 together with an indication of their broad acceptability in the different land use zones.
Mixed Use
Zones designated as ‘Mixed Use’ have been identified in the core of the Town Centre within which a mix of residential and commercial activity takes place. More generally, buildings designed and located so as to be capable of adaptation to a range of other uses will be encouraged. In determining the suitability of development within this zone regard shall be given to the environmental impact of the proposed development on neighbouring uses.
General Development
It should be noted that the land uses associated with this designation in the context of the Local Area Plan are not the same as those applicable in the context of the County Development Plan as the function of ‘General Development’ is different in both Plans. In determining the suitability of development within this zone, regard shall be given to the environmental impact of the proposed development on neighbouring uses. With regard to determining the suitability of retail developments, applications will be assessed having due regard to the current County Retail Strategy and the Retail Planning - Guidelines for Planning Authorities documents.
Social & Community Use
This zone includes community buildings, churches, hospitals, health centres, football pitches, municipal treatment plants etc.
Open Space & Amenity
This zone includes public walkways, parks and open space. (Note open space associated within existing housing estates have not been indicated on the zoning map)
Riverside Development
This zoning relates to leisure, amenity and tourism related uses associated with the River Shannon.
River Navigation & Amenity
This zoning seeks to protect lands and water bodies for navigation and the conservation of riverine habitats. Development impacting on lands and water bodies zoned under this category will only be acceptable if they enhance the amenity value of the river, do not unduly impact on habitats or impede river navigation.