About Creative Ireland
The Creative Ireland Programme is an all-of-government initiative committed to enhancing access to, engagement with, and the enjoyment of Ireland’s culture and creativity. Within the broad range of available definitions, creativity is considered as a set of innate abilities and learned skills; the capacity of individuals and organisations to transcend accepted ideas and norms and by drawing on imagination to create new ideas that bring additional value to human activity.
The Creative Ireland vision for Leitrim is to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of the county and its creative sector by placing creativity at the centre of people’s lives. Over the lifetime of this strategy, we wish to further extend the reach of the programme, providing opportunities for new communities and individuals of all ages and backgrounds to explore their own creativity, many for the first time. We also wish to contribute to the development of the Creative Economy, helping ensure the sustainability of those who work in the creative sector. To achieve this, we will employ a cross-departmental approach, and work in partnership with agencies and organisations across the county.
This Creative Ireland vision is pursued through these five pillars -
- Creative Communities
- Creative Youth
- Wellbeing, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
- Place, Environment & Climate Change
- Creative Economy
Leitrim County Council has a Culture and Creativity Team in place to guide and oversee implementation of this Strategy. This team is the cornerstone of Creative Communities bringing together a wide range and level of expertise from across the local authority.
Leitrim County Council Culture & Creativity Strategy 2023 - 2027
Comhairle Chontae Liatroma - Straitéis Cultúir agus Cruthaitheachta 2023–2027
For further information contact Alice Dixon, Creative Ireland Engagement Officer on alice.dixon@leitrimcoco.ie or phone 071 96 20005 Ext 419.