N16 Munakill Realignment Scheme

N16 Munakill Realignment Scheme


The N16 National Primary Route links Northern Ireland with the Republic of Ireland, and more specifically links Leitrim and its hinterland in the north-west, with Belfast and Dundalk on the east coast of Ireland.  The proposed N16 Munakill Realignment Scheme, which is located approximately 4km east of Manorhamilton, will seek to remove the current deficiencies of this section of existing road and improve the overall route consistency of the network.

The Munakill section is approximately 2.7km in length and connects two previous road improvement Schemes, namely the Kilmakerrill/Cornacloy section at the eastern end, and the Blackpark Section at the western end.

Progress to date

Phase 1 Concept and Feasibility: This phase is complete.

Phase 2 Options Selection: This phase is also complete. The Option Selection Report for N16 Munakill Realignment scheme has now been published and all documentation is available here:

Option Selection Report

The Project Team would again like to sincerely thank all those who submitted their feedback and engaged with them over the phone, via email or in person during the scheme development and public consultation periods. Please note that the Project Team are still contactable by phone or email should you have any further queries.

Phase 3 Design and Environmental Evaluation: The preliminary design of the road alignment, including the side roads and access arrangements is underway. An initial design is currently being progressed, which will allow the Project Team to start meaningful discussions with affected landowners in September / October 2022.  In addition, Ground Investigation Works and various Environmental and other Surveys are either underway or are being planned for the coming weeks which will inform the Project Team in designing the alignment and proposing mitigation measures etc.

Contact the Project Team: The N16 Project Team is contactable by phone or email should you have any queries.

Email: n16munakill@rpsgroup.com

Phone: 071 9138909 (Weekdays 9am-5pm)