Leitrim Geology Publication

Leitrim’s Geological Heritage Publication


An Exploration of the Geological Heritage of County Leitrim

The geological foundation of Leitrim is made up of a rich diversity of rocks, sediments, fossils, and landforms.

Many of Leitrim’s geological sites are of National and International value due to their unique scientific value and their research value in contributing to our understanding of geological processes and events, providing valuable clues to decoding the 4.6-billion-year history of the Earth. These sites also have cultural, economic and aesthetic value, often being sites of historical significance, essential industry, and scenic and recreational interest.
This publication aims to celebrate Leitrim’s rich geological heritage and to highlight some of the County’s more interesting and spectacular sites. View book HERE.

The book is arranged in four sections:

  • Section 1 - provides an introduction to the geology of County Leitrim, a timescale of Earth history, a rock types refresher, and geology maps.
  • Section 2 - presents a selection of nineteen County Geological Sites in County Leitrim.
  • Section 3 - expands on the geological history of the county.
  • Section 4 - provides a full list of Leitrim’s County Geological Sites.

The Leitrim Geological Heritage Project was funded by the Heritage Council and Leitrim County Council and supported by the Geological Survey of Ireland.
