Leitrim Geological Survey

Leitrim Geological Survey


Leitrim Geological Survey

The Audit of Geological Heritage Sites in Co Leitrim was carried out in 2020 by Matthew Parkes, Robert Meehan, Vincent Gallagher and Ronan Hennessy.

For its relatively modest size, County Leitrim has an extensive and diverse range of geological heritage sites. The Leitrim County Geological Heritage Sites Audit documents what is currently understood by the Geo-heritage Programme of Geological Survey Ireland to be the most important geological sites within County Leitrim. It proposes them as County Geological Sites, for inclusion within the Leitrim County Development Plan. The resulting report is an action of the County Leitrim Heritage Plan 2020-2025 and can be accessed here

The Leitrim Geological Heritage Project was funded by the Heritage Council and Leitrim County Council and supported by the Geological Survey of Ireland.
