Climate Action Plan

Climate Action Plan

Leitrim County Council Climate Action Plan 2024-2029

Climate Action Plan 2024-2029

In line with Section 14B of the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act, as amended and the Local Authority Climate Action Plan Guidelines; the Elected members of Leitrim County Council adopted the Leitrim County Council Local Authority Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 by resolution at a full plenary Council meeting on 19 February 2024.

The vision of Leitrim County Council Climate Action Plan is aligned to the Government’s National Climate Objective which seeks to achieve the transition to a climate resilient, biodiversity rich, environmentally sustainable and climate neutral economy by 2050. The Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021 frames Ireland’s legally binding climate ambition to deliver a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 51% by 2030.

Leitrim County Council Climate Action Plan 2024 – 2029 (‘the Plan’) aims to enhance climate resilience, increase energy efficiency, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, across Leitrim County Council’s own assets, services, and infrastructure, whilst also demonstrating a broader role of inspiring, leading and facilitating other sectors, to meet their own climate targets and ambitions.

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Documentation

Documentation relating to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Leitrim County Council Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 is provided below. The purpose of this SEA process was to identify, assess, and mitigate potential likely significant environmental effects associated with the Plan and integrate environmental considerations into the preparation, adoption and implementation of the Plan.

Appropriate Assessment (AA) Documentation

Documentation relating to the Appropriate Assessment (AA) of the Leitrim County Council Climate Action plan 2024 – 2029 is provided below. The purpose of the AA was to identify, assess and mitigate potential significant adverse effects associated with the Plan on designated European sites.

Report on Submissions

Pursuant to Section 14B of the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act as amended, notice of the preparation of the Leitrim Local Authority Draft Climate Action Plan 2024-2029, was given on 29 November 2023. Submissions or observations with regard to the Draft Plan and Environmental Reports (Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment) were invited from 4 December 2023 to 24 January 2024 inclusive.

In accordance with the requirements of the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act, as amended and the Local Authority Climate Action Plan Guidelines; this Report on submissions summarises and details the outcome of the public consultation process on the Draft Climate Action Plan.

Evidence Base

To ensure evidence-based climate action planning, the following reports were commissioned by Leitrim County Council.

The Baseline Emission reports detail greenhouse gas emissions in County Leitrim and the Decarbonising Zone in the baseline year (2018). This has been done so that change, improvements and reductions in greenhouse gasses can be measured over time.

The Climate Change Risk Assessment report outlines the risks posed to the County and highlights any impacts that climate change may have on Leitrim County Council’s ability to deliver services.