Model Publication Scheme

Model Publication Scheme

Publication Scheme under Freedom of Information Act, 2014.


Leitrim County Council has prepared and published a Publication Scheme concerning the information of the Council in conformity with a Model and Guidelines made by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform under Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act, 2014.

The Scheme comes into effect on the 14th April, 2016.

Purpose of Scheme:

The Scheme is designed to facilitate the provision of information to the greatest extent possible, except for information exempted under the Act and, in preparing, reviewing or revising a Publication Scheme, an FOI body shall have regard to the public interest in:

  1. allowing public access to information held by the FOI body;
  2. the publication of reasons for decisions made by the FOI body; and
  3. publishing information of relevance or interest to the general public in relation to its activities and functions generally.

Scheme Format and Access:

The Scheme is web based with links from it to information under six headings as set out below which will be updated as provided for under the Act. A hard copy will be available for viewing by appointment also.

Six Information Sets:

Information will be provided under the following six headings:

  • Information About the FOI Body,
  • Functions and Public Services Provided or to be provided
  • Decision Making procedures,
  • Financial Information,
  • Procurement,
  • Information Routinely Published and Miscellaneous

Within each of these the following Information will be available:

A. Information about the FOI Body

Who we are and what we do, organisational information, structures, locations and contacts.

In this section FOI Bodies will provide details of:

B. Services Provided or to be provided to the Public

The services we offer: Details of functions and services that the organisation provides and the decision making process

In this section FOI bodies provide details of:

  • Services provided for public including administration of an enactment / scheme (e.g. grant schemes)
  • How such services can be accessed
  • How much such services cost to access, if any
  • Administration of such services
  • Review or appeal rights relating to such services
  • Research projects undertaken in respect of these functions / services

Click here to view list of services.

C. Decision Making process for major policy proposals

How we make decisions on policies: Decision Making processes and records of decisions

In this section FOI bodies provide details of:

  • Major policy proposals including any public consultation exercises
  • Background information relating to major policy proposals and decisions
  • Reports on the operation of public services by the FOI body
  • Expenditure reviews
  • Policy assessments

D. Financial Information

What we spend: Financial information relating to income and expenditure

FOI bodies provide the following information in this section:

E. Procurement

How we spend: Information relating to how we procure goods and services

FOI bodies provide the following details in this section:

F. FOI Disclosure Log and Other Information to be Published Routinely

Other information: FOI bodies publish the type of information listed below as appropriate, in addition to any other information that would provide information to the public.

For example:-

Further Information:

For more information on the Publication Scheme please contact the FOI Officer at 071 9620005 Ext 104 or email