CLÁR (Ceantair Laga Ard-Riachtanais) is a targeted investment programme for rural areas that aims to provide funding for small infrastructural projects in areas that experience disadvantage. The aim of CLÁR is to support the sustainable development of identified CLÁR areas with the aim of attracting people to live and work there. CLÁR provides funding for rural areas that have suffered significant levels of population decline. CLÁR is part of the Government’s Project Ireland 2040 Rural Development Investment Programme.

The CLÁR Funding Scheme is available to areas as defined in the CLÁR area map - Leitrim, which includes all of County Leitrim. The funding is administered by Leitrim County Council on behalf of the Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD).

Eligible Applicants 

Schools, community and voluntary groups, local development companies.
All community amenities funded under this programme must, in so far as practicable, be accessible to all abilities and ages.

Eligible Projects

The list below provides an indication of the types of projects that may be supported, but is not exhaustive

  • Small scale renovation works to community facilities open to the wider community such as community centres/sports centres/clubhouses of sporting groups/youth centres/men sheds etc
  • Multi-Use Gaming Areas (MUGAs)/Astro-Turf facilities including upgrades
  • Playgrounds/Skateboard parks/Pump tracks/Cycling tracks
  • Walking/Running /Athletics tracks
  • Handball Alleys/Tennis Courts/Basketball Courts/Cricket Grounds
  • Community Gyms/Community Cinemas
  • Sensory Gardens/Community Gardens/ Allotments
  • Access to unique local heritage sites / areas of natural beauty
  • Outdoor Bowling Areas/Outdoor Toilet Facilities/Car Parking
  • Improving access at sports grounds e.g. development/upgrade of spectator stands at local sports grounds with a particular focus on improving access for people of all abilities and ages.
  • Solar Bins
  • Biodiversity planting

Applications for Clár 2024 are now closed. Any queries in relation to the application process can be forwarded to or call (071) 962 0005 Ext 496