E-scooters - New Legislation

E-scooters - New laws on the use of e-scooters in Ireland

From 20 May 2024, new lawsOpen in new browser tab have be introduced to make e-scooters legal in Ireland. Users must be 16 or older and obey a speed limit of 20km/h. E-scooters are banned from footpaths and users can't carry passengers.

Key rules

From 20 May 2024, e-scooter users must:

  • Be 16 or older.
  • Obey a speed limit of 20km/h.
  • Drive on the left. E-scooters are allowed in cycle or bus lanes and on local, regional or national roads.
  • Have lights, a bell or audible warning device, reflectors and brakes on their e-scooter and it must be kept in a roadworthy condition at all times.
  • Obey signals given by a Garda or school warden and follow the same rules of the road that apply to cyclists, including traffic lights, road signs, and all types of pedestrian crossings.

E-scooter users must NOT:

  • Use footpaths, pedestrianised areas or motorways.
  • Hold or use a mobile phone.
  • Have a seat on their e-scooter.
  • Carry passengers or goods.