Mobility Aids Housing Grant Scheme
Mobility Aids Housing Grant Scheme
The Mobility Aids Grant Scheme is available to fast track grant aid to cover a basic suite of works to address mobility problems, primarily, but not exclusively, associated with ageing, in order that recipients are not subject to delays in accessing works.
Qualifying Works
The types of works allowable under the scheme can be varied and can include the provision of:
- grab rails,
- access ramps,
- level access showers,
- fixed track hoists (excluding maintenance and training costs),
- stair lift and any other minor works in the opinion of the local authority, as may be necessary to facilitate the mobility needs of the applicant.
Amount of Grant-Aid available
The effective maximum grant under the Mobility Aids Grant Scheme shall be €8,000, which may cover 100% of the cost of work as approved by the local authority. The grant is available to households whose combined annual gross income in the previous tax year of both the owner of any property the subject of an application, together with that of his or her spouse does not exceed €37,500.
Means Testing
All applications for grant aid under the Mobility Aids Grant Scheme shall be assessed on the basis of household means. The maximum grant of €8,000, which may cover 100% of the cost of the works as approved by the local authority, will be available to applicants whose gross household income is less than €37,500 per annum.
Calculation of Household Income
The effective maximum grant is €8,000 or 100% of the approved cost of the works as approved by the local authority, whichever is the lesser. The grant is means tested and is based on the combined annual gross income in the previous tax year of both the owner of any property the subject of an application, together with that of his or her spouse.
For the purposes of the means assessment for the Mobility Aids Grant Scheme, household income shall be calculated as:
The combined annual gross income in the previous tax year of both the owner of any property the subject of an application pursuant to the Regulations, together with that of his or her spouse.
Evidence of Household Income
Evidence of household income must be submitted with all applications for grant assistance. Applications will be assessed, based on the income from the previous tax year.
Link to Irish version of application form: Deontais Oiriunaithe Tithe do Dhaoine Scothaosta agus do Dhaoine faoi Mhichumas 2024.pdf
Link to English version of application form: Application Form Housing Adaptation Grants for Older People and Disabled People 2024.pdf
If you require further information or assistance in completing an application for the Mobility Aids Grant Scheme, please contact the Housing Department on 071/9620005.