Children and Young People

Children and Young People

When we invest in young people’s creativity, we are investing in the future creativity of our society. Children & Young People continue to be a key priority for Leitrim County Council as children account for approximately 27% of the population. Moreover, participating in the arts helps children to understand the world around them; it overcomes barriers, improves communication and academic skills, and sparks the imagination.

In addition to the projects in the menu, as part of a partnership with other organisations that work with children and young people, Leitrim County Council developed to provide a meeting space for children and their families to participate in children and youth arts activities.

The Leitrim Gathering 2025

The Leitrim Gathering is a global celebration event of Leitrim’s culture, natural beauty and community, and will be taking place 23rd - 25th of May 2025.

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The Leitrim Gathering 2025