Northwest Regional Enterprise Plan

Northwest Regional Enterprise Plan

The Regional Enterprise Plans are an initiative of the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment, in collaboration with local stakeholders. The plans are intended to be an action plan developed by regional stakeholders and focus on undertaking collaborative initiatives that can help deliver enterprise growth in each of nine regions across Ireland. They contribute to the Programme for Government commitment to achieving more balanced regional development. The department oversees the implementation of the Regional Enterprise Plans at national level, while delivery in each region is driven on the ground by the Regional Steering Committee and Programme Manager. Each Steering Committee comprises representatives of the local authorities, LEOs, Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland, Regional Skills Manager Higher and Further Education Institutes, Education and Training Boards, Regional Assembly, private sector and others, and is chaired by a senior level private sector businessperson.

The North-West Regional Enterprise Plan to 2024 includes projects and initiatives across the three North-West counties of Sligo, Leitrim and Donegal. Six key strategic objectives with discreet actions are contained within the plan for the Northwest region.

For further information, contact Anne McTernan, Northwest Regional Enterprise Programme Manager;

Link to Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment Regional Enterprise Plans
