Atlantic Economic Corridor

Atlantic Economic Corridor

The Atlantic Economic Corridor (AEC) stretches along the western seaboard of Ireland. This region includes 10 local authority regions from Donegal to Kerry.
This initiative seeks to bring about more balanced regional development, economic growth to support the projected growth in population and public spaces and infrastructure that complements the quality of life on offer along the Atlantic Coast.
The Corridor is already home to a strong culture of enterprise and innovation, with hundreds of successful businesses operating there. These include ambitious start-ups, established multinationals and Irish owned firms expanding to global markets.


For more information get in touch with Leitrim’s Atlantic Economic Corridor Officer:
Rebecca Farrell


Connected Hubs

In 2019 the AEC Enterprise Hubs Network began by creating an interconnected community network from over 100 hubs identified as either operating or in development, in the AEC region.
What started as a pilot along the Western seaboard of Ireland has now become the national network of Connected Hubs with over 350 hubs.
To explore hubs providing flexible office spaces and remote working options in Leitrim and across the region go to


The-Hive-Carrick-On-Shannon     Mohill-Enterprise-Centre  ManorHub