Purple Flag

Purple Flag

The Purple Flag programme was developed following the Civic Trust’s “Night Vision” report in 2006 and is now managed by the Association of Town & City Management.

The Purple Flag Award is an initiative given to towns that offer residents and visitors an enjoyable and safe night out. It aims to raise the standard and broaden the appeal of the town between the hours of 17:00 pm & 05:00 am. Areas awarded the Purple Flag are recognised for providing a vibrant and diverse mix of dining, entertainment and culture while promoting the safety and wellbeing of visitors and local residents.

Purple Flag is: 

  • An accreditation process similar to Green Flag Award for parks and Blue Flag for beaches. It leads to Purple Flag status for town centres that meet or surpass the standards of excellence in managing the evening and night-time economy.
  • A comprehensive set of standards, management processes and good practice examples designed to help transform town and city centres at night.
  • A research, training and development programme, to help towns and cities improve their evening and night-time economy.
  • A positive initiative that indicates an entertaining, diverse, safe and enjoyable night out.

Carrick-on-Shannon has once again been awarded the renewal of the prestigious Purple Flag accreditation for 2023 for its evening and night-time economy.