Local Economic and Community Plan

Leitrim Economic Community Plan

The Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) is a strategic framework developed by Local Authorities to promote and support the economic and community development within their areas. These plans are crucial for translating national and regional strategies into local initiatives, for sustainable economic growth, and enhancing community well-being.

The LECP for Leitrim, covering 2023 to 2029, has been adopted. This plan includes a two-year Implementation Plan for 2024-2025, which outlines specific actions and initiatives to be undertaken in the two year period. The progress and effectiveness of these actions will be closely monitored and evaluated through established KPIs, ensuring continuous improvement and relevance of the plan.

Key Aspects of LECPs:

Purpose: LECPs aim to set out clear objectives and actions for economic and community development. This includes improving local infrastructure, creating job opportunities, and enhancing the quality of life for residents.

Inclusivity: These plans are developed with significant input from local communities to ensure they address the specific needs and aspirations of the population.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Implementation is overseen by Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs) using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This ensures the plans remain dynamic and responsive to changing conditions and community needs.

Leitrim LECP 2023-2029