Urban Regeneration Development Fund

Urban Regeneration and Development Fund

The Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) is part of Project Ireland 2040 and is managed by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.
The fund was established to promote sustainable development by funding regeneration and rejuvenation projects in Ireland’s five cities and other large towns. It aims to revitalise urban areas, making them more attractive for living, working, and investing.
The fund supports a mix of residential, commercial, and public infrastructure projects, enhancing amenities and services in urban centres.

URDF funding supports various initiatives, including:

  • Public realm improvements
  • Sustainable transport infrastructure
  • Recreation and sporting amenities
  • Site infrastructure works
  • Projects targeting long-term vacant and derelict properties.

In County Leitrim, the URDF has supported the "Public Realm Enhancement Project" in Carrick-on-Shannon. This project focused on improving the town's public spaces, making them more pedestrian-friendly and aesthetically appealing, thereby boosting local economic activity and community well-being