Town and Village Renewal Scheme

Town and Village Renewal Scheme

The Town and Village Scheme supports the rejuvenation of small rural towns and villages throughout Ireland through a renewed focus on town centre economic and social vibrancy and regeneration in line with the Town Centre First policy.

The measures outlined are based on the 2023 Scheme and may be subject to change when the 2024 scheme is open. 

Measure 1: Small Scale/Medium Scale Projects

Maximum Funding €250,000

Measure 2: Large Scale Projects

Maximum Funding €500,000 in respect of one application from each local authority.

Project Development Measure:

Development Costs for Strategic Medium/Large Scale Projects
This particular funding scheme opened earlier this year and closed in March 2024.
Maximum Funding €50,000

Eligible Projects (list is not exhaustive)

  • Town Regeneration projects
  • Enhancing our streetscapes
  • Green spaces
  • Recreational amenities in town/village centres
  • Refurbishment of existing community centres
  • Purchase of land to enable development of town regeneration, such as town parks, plazas, etc.
  • Bringing vacant/derelict buildings back into use as community spaces
  • Projects to support town or village centre markets, e.g., farmers markets or artisan markets
  • Town/village centre plaza development

It is expected that the 2024 Town and Village Scheme will open for applications in October 2024.

Any queries in relation to the application process can be forwarded to or call (071) 962 0005 Ext 496