General Guidance on how to apply for funding

Guidelines for funding applications processed by Economic Development


It is very important that you read the relevant application form and funding scheme guidelines very carefully to get a clear understanding of the aim of the funding, the types of projects that are eligible for funding and what information is being requested about your project and community group / organisation.

Before completing any application form you need to have read the Funding / Grant Scheme outline to ensure you are clear on the following:

  • What are the Funding Scheme priorities?
  • What are the eligibility criteria?
  • What are the selection criteria?
  • What costs are eligible?
  • Are there budget limits or rules that must be adhered to?
  • What is the timeframe for submitting your application?
  • What supporting documents or other information are required?

Being clear about your project. 

  • Ensure your planned project is in alignment with the funding scheme aims and objectives.
  • Provide a detailed description of the project and how you will deliver it.
  • Be realistic about what you plan to do.
  • Take into account your available resources to deliver the project, people, skills, time, current commitments, match funding etc.
  • Clearly define the separate project stages / elements required to complete the project.

Accurately cost your project 

  • Preparing costs and a budget is one of the most challenging and time-consuming tasks when making an application for funding.
  • Prepare a realistic, detailed and accurate budget i.e. find out what the exact costs will be, get quotations or technical assistance /advice.
  • Round your costs to the nearest euro.
  • Only include costs for items which are clearly identifiable, eligible and which are necessary for the project or to carry out the activity.
  • Ensure you have sufficient funds to provide match funding which for most schemes is a minimum of 10% of the overall cost that your organisation must provide.

Completing the application form 

  • Write your application as though the person reading it knows nothing about your planned project or actions. Don’t make any assumptions and give as much information as possible. 
  • Plain English: Use short sentences and avoid acronyms and jargon. Remember that you are describing what you want do to someone who does not know about your organisation.

Supporting documentation 

Gather all relevant supporting documentation e.g.

  • Photos of current facilities
  • Proof of match funding e.g. bank statement
  • Letters of support for the project from relevant local stakeholders
  • Planning.
  • Lease/proof of ownership if relevant.
  • Visuals of proposed designs if relevant.