Úisce Éireann

Uisce Éireann

Uisce Éireann are responsible for managing and delivering water services to homes and businesses served by Public Water Supplies and Wastewater Agglomerations.

For further information or to report an issue with:

  • Water Supply
  • Water Quality
  • Wastewater

Please contact Uisce Éireann on any of the following:

Website                           www.water.ie

Twitter                             @IWCare

Telephone                      1800 278 278 (LoCall) 

Please note that Uisce Éireann do not have any responsibility for Private Group Water Schemes. These schemes abstract, treat and distribute their own water supply from a private source such as a lake, river, well or spring.

Public Group Water Schemes obtain water by connection to a public water supply and distribute this water through a local distribution network owned and operated by the Group. Group Schemes are responsible for the provision of supplies to their customers and the maintenance of their networks irrespective of whether supplies are privately or publicly sourced.