Water and Waste Water Connections

Waste and Waste Water Connections

All Customers (single domestic, housing developments, business, etc..) on semi private Group Sewerage Schemes (GSS’s) must apply to Uisce Éireann. (UÉ) for a connection so that an assessment of the capacity of the existing UÉ network/treatment plants serving the GSS can be carried out to ensure there is no negative impact on existing Customers/Headroom served by the UÉ assets which may result in upgrades being required.

Connection Charging Policy indicates that this is an indirect connection (refer to Section 13.6 Connecting Through Third Party Infrastructure) to the UÉ network and a connection charge must be applied by UÉ. The physical connection should be carried out by the UÉ Regional Connections Contractor subject to the consent of the existing GSS who own the physical pipework, this consent should be submitted to UE prior to a connection offer being issued by UÉ. In these cases, the Customer will have to submit a connection application to UÉ and apply to the GSS to gain consent which may incur fee, this varies from GSS to GSS.