Subsidy Grants for Group Water Schemes

Subsidy Grants for Group Water Schemes

An annual subsidy grant is payable towards the operating costs of providing water for domestic use to a group water scheme, which meets terms and conditions of the subsidy.

€115.00 for each house supplied from a Public Source

€231.00 for each house supplied from a Private Source*

*There is an additinoal €50 available for each house for Private Group Water Schemes with less than 100 houses for a 3 Year Period.  This is available to incentivse small privately sourced group water schemes to progress into morre sustainable entities ensuring that domestic users receive quality compliant water on a consisten long term basis.

Full details of the grant, procedure and application form are set out below in the Terms & Conditions for Subsidy towards the Operational Costs of Group Water Schemes. 

One of the conditions of payment of a subsidy is that the Group Scheme adopt the Charter of Rights and Responsibilities for Members of Group Water Schemes, and this document can be viewed on the National Federation of Group Water Schemes website

Annual Subsidy Form

Annual Subsidy Terms and Conditions

Circular L917 Revision of Subsidy

Leaflet on Eircodes

(From 2018, the Eircode’s of each connection must be submitted with your subsidy application form)

Further information is available from the Rural Water Section of Leitrim County Council on Phone 071 9620005 Ext 661

Closing date for the Annual and Advance Subsidies is 30th June of each year.