Stray Dogs

Stray Dogs

It is the responsibility of all dog owners to ensure their dog is kept under control at all times in a public place. Dogs which are allowed to stray may cause injury to persons or livestock, damage to property and may cause road traffic accidents. There is a €300 on-the-spot fine for allowing a dog to stray in a public place.

A dog warden shall take all reasonable steps to seize and detain any dog that appears to them to be a stray dog. A ‘stray dog’ may be defined as any dog which appears to be unaccompanied by a person. Whenever a stray dog is seized or detained, the dog will be held for five days from the date of the initial detainment. If such dog is not claimed and all expenses relating to its seizure and detention are not paid by the owner, the dog will be rehomed where possible and the title of the previous owner shall thereupon become extinguished.

List of Fees & Charges

  • Dog Roaming - Fixed Penalty Notice €300
  • Dog –Fouling - Fixed Penalty Notice €150
  • Dog Reclaim fee (No Mocrochip) €80
  • Reclaim Fee (2nd offence) €120
  • €10.00 additional boarding fee for each day that the dog is held in the pound
  • * Dogs which are seized on three occasions may not be returned to the owner.

Dog Reclaim Fees:

  • €60.00 (If dog has been micro-chipped prior to being impounded)
  • €80.00 (If dog has not been micro-chipped prior to being impounded)
  • Reclaim Fee is €120 if a dog is impounded for the second time.
  • *Reclaim fee is €220 if a dog is impounded for 3rd time.
  • A dog may not be returned if impounded on three occasions.
  • Dogs will not be released without a valid dog licence.

To reclaim a dog please call the Dog Warden Service Office on 071 96 48300.

Legislation - CONTROL OF DOGS ACT, 1986