Hedge Cutting Grants

Hedge Cutting

Leitrim County Council wishes to remind all landowners and occupiers that it is the legal responsibility of all landowners and occupiers adjacent to public roads to maintain trees and hedges so that they are not a hazard to people using the road.

Hedge Cutting should only be carried out during the period from 1st September to the end of February.

It is an offence under Section 40 of the Wildlife Act 1976 to cut or destroy any vegetation growing in any hedge during the period 1st March to 31st August.

The season for hedge cutting under the Wildlife Acts starts from the 1 September to the 28 February the following year. It is not permitted to cut hedgerows outside of these dates. The only exception to this is if there are grounds to act for road safety reasons.

Overgrown hedgerows and roadside verges can result in road fatalities and serious injury collisions. Properly maintained hedges also protect vulnerable road users who are not forced onto the road by overgrown hedges. It additionally affords motorists a clear view of what is in front of them or around the bend, especially on local rural roads in the case of sightlines at junctions or obstructions to road signs.

Landowners across the country need to be aware of the impact that overgrown hedgerows can have on other road users. They can cause a road safety hazard that could potentially result in loss of life or serious injury.  Road safety is a shared responsibility, and it is important that landowners remain alert and take accountability for maintaining hedgerows. We can make our roads a safer place if we all play our role and take personal responsibility for what happens on the roads.

To encourage the cutting of roadside trees and hedges, Leitrim County Council provide a Hedge Cutting Grant for the cutting of roadside hedges and/or trees.  All details of the Hedge Cutting Grant Scheme are available from the Roads Department, Leitrim County Council:-