Road Safety Action Plan

Road Safety Action Plan

The Road Safety Action Plan is based on the Government Road Safety Strategy 2021 - 2030 and is underpinned by Vision Zero and a Safe System Approach, which sets out the ambitious target of reducing fatalities and serious injuries by 50% by 2030, and eliminating deaths and serious injuries on the roads by 2050.

The County Leitrim Road Safety Working Together Group is made up of the following key stakeholders:

  • Leitrim County Council including Leitrim Fire & Rescue Service
  • The Road Safety Authority (RSA),
  • An Garda Síochána (AGS)
  • Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII)
  • Carrick on Shannon Education Support Centre
  • An Taisce Green Schools
  • North Connacht Youth Services
  • The HSE

The overall aim of this County Leitrim Road Safety Strategy 2023 – 2030 and Phase 1 Road Safety Action Plan 2023 - 2024 is to make our roads a safer place for all road users. Road Safety is the responsibility of all road users and everybody must accept their responsibilities and play their part in making our roads a safer place. This Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan focuses on the holistic Safe System Approach to road safety and emphasises the shared responsibility amongst those who design, build, manage and use the roads and vehicles to make our roads a safer place for all road users.
It is the sincere hope of all the stakeholders that the increased focus on Road Safety in Ireland will contribute to collision and casualty reduction in the country over the lifetime of the Strategy.

In launching the strategy, Mr. Justin Fannon, Acting Director of Services for Roads and Transportation, Leitrim County Council stated:
“Road safety is a shared responsibility among all road users and all road users must act responsibly on our roads in order to protect themselves and all other road users. The key factors to achieving safer roads for all road users is for all road users to improve on the following dangerous behaviours –

  • Speed – Slow Down,
  • Seat Belts – Wear your seat belt - Everywhere, Everytime, Everybody
  • Never drive while under the influence of drink or drugs,
  • Never use your mobile phone while driving
  • Tiredness Kills – Do not to drive when tired, Take breaks.”

Chief Executive of Leitrim County Council, Mr. Joseph Gilhooly, stated:
“The challenge has been set to raise Ireland’s road safety performance to that of the best performing countries in the world. This joint strategy sets out a collaborative approach to improving road safety and the targeted actions to be delivered throughout County Leitrim. Significant progress can be achieved through the strategy’s priority intervention areas. I would like to acknowledge the work of all the stakeholders in developing this strategy.”

Sergeant Rosaleen Logue, An Garda Siochana, Roads Policing Unit, County Leitrim , in welcoming the launch of the County Leitrim Road Safety Strategy stated that “this strategy recognises the need for a shared approach to reducing deaths and serious injuries on our roads, through working with other key agencies in focusing on the Safe System Approach and Vision Zero. An Garda Síochána is dedicated to reducing deaths and serious injuries on our roads and improving driver behaviour and attitudes through education, awareness and enforcement.”