Advice for Cyclists

Advice for Cyclists

Our top road safety tips to help you cycle safely on our roads.

Cycling is a wonderful, healthy pastime and a great mode of transport for school, college or work. But as a cyclist, you’re a very vulnerable road user. So, it’s vital that you practice good road safety and take personal responsibility for keeping yourself, pedestrians and other road users safe on our roads.

When cycling, always make sure you give other road users the best chance of seeing you. Wear high visibility clothing and keep your bicycle lights in good working order. You should also signal in plenty of time to allow others to react to your movements. Don't ever ride or attempt to ride a bicycle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Remember, cyclists put themselves and others at risk when they do not stop as required at traffic lights.

Link to Cycle Safety Leaflet

Cycling Safety for Children

Safety tips for parents and children, as cycling is a wonderful healthy pastime and a great way of getting to school, college or work.

Advice and tips on how to stay safe while cycling on Irish roads:

  • Never cycle in the dark without adequate lighting – white for front, red for rear 
  • Always wear luminous clothing such as hi-vis vests, fluorscent armbands and reflective belts so that other road users can see you 
  • Wear a helmet
  • Make sure you keep to the left. Always look behind and give the proper signal before moving off, changing lanes or making a turn   
  • Follow the rules of the road, never run traffic lights or weave unpredictably in and out of traffic
  • Maintain your bike properly – in particular, your brakes should work properly and your tyres should be inflated to the right pressure and be in good condition 
  • Respect other road users – don’t get into shouting matches with motorists; stop at pedestrian crossings; don’t cycle on the footpath
  • Watch your speed, especially when cycling on busy streets and going downhill
  • Steer well clear of left-turning trucks: let them turn before you move ahead

Do’s and Don’ts of Safe Cycling for Children

Do ensure they: Cycle a bike matched to their height and experience Wear a safety helmet Use lights in dark or dusky conditions

Don’t allow them to: Cycle on public roads unsupervised (if under 12) Wear loosely-worn scarves or other clothing that could get caught in the wheels or chain-set Take unnecessary risks 

Sharing the Road Safely with Cyclists Cyclists are a vulnerable category of road user.  Motorists must keep a safe distance when over taking cyclists.   Motorists should give a 1 metre clearance when over taking a cyclist in Speed Limit areas of up to  50km/h and a 1.5 metre clearance in Speed Limit areas over 50km/hGive the space to ride safe
