As of the 7th February 2025, speed limits on rural local roads have reduced from 80km/h to 60 km/h. This change will make Ireland’s roads safer for motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, and all road users. Reducing speed can significantly increase the chance of survival in the event of a traffic collision, and lowering speed limits on Ireland’s road network will save lives.
There has been a remarkable transformation in safety on Irish roads in recent decades. Between 2006 and 2021, the number of annual road deaths fell from 365 to 132. This reduction was achieved despite the number of vehicles on our roads increasing significantly in the same period.
Reducing speed has been fundamentally proven to significantly reduce the risk of death or serious injury in road collisions. The World Health Organisation has estimated that a 5% reduction in average speed could result in a 30% reduction in fatal collisions. Furthermore, the evidence shows that 50% of pedestrians struck by a vehicle travelling at 60km/h will be killed, compared to 29% of pedestrians struck by a vehicle travelling at 50km/h and 5% of pedestrians struck by a vehicle travelling at 30km/h.
In accordance with Section 10E of the Road Traffic Act, 2004, Notice is hereby given as follows:
- The new Default Speed Limit for all Rural Local Roads in County Leitrim will be 60 Km per hour (previously 80 Km per hour)
- This new Default Speed Limit of 60 Km per Hour for all Rural Local Roads in County Leitrim came into effect on Friday 7th February, 2025.
Please note that this new Default Speed Limit for all Rural Local roads does not include the following:
- All Regional Roads and all National Roads
- All public roads with a current special speed limit of 30 Km per hour
- All public roads with a current special speed limit of 50 Km per hour
The categories of public roads set out in Nos. 1 – 3 above are to be addressed in subsequent phases of speed limit review. It is intended that these subsequent phases will be progressed in 2025.
All road users should be aware of this new Default Speed Limit of 60 Km per hour for all Rural Local Roads in County Leitrim. These new reduced Speed Limits have been introduced to improve road safety for all road users. Road users are requested to obey the new speed limits and keep our roads safe for all road users.
The Leitrim Gathering 2025
The Leitrim Gathering is a global celebration event of Leitrim’s culture, natural beauty and community, and will be taking place 23rd - 25th of May 2025.
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