Public Lighting

Public Lighting

Click on link below to report fault which will go directly to the Electric Skyline team. All reports get reviewed daily and teams are dispatched frequently, reported faults are fixed within an approx. 4 - 6 week turnaround time.

In the event that a report is already been made for your street light, this information will be made available to you when you view the details online.

How to Log a Fault

Click on the Electric Skyline Link Here for LEITRIM

On the map, find your town and zoom into the area of your location Each BLUE "bubble" represents a Street Light that is maintained by Electric Skyline NOTE: If your Street Light is GREEN, this means that this area has not yet been "Taken In Charge" by Leitrim County Council When you hover over the Street Light the Lamp Number and Street Name is visible When you select the Street Light in question you will be asked for some details, this is so you can be informed of any progress or information, you also have the facility to update any images that you feel is relevant to the issue.

If you have any issues or queries, please note that the team is available

Monday - Friday 08:00 - 17:00

Tel: (094) 936 0954

