Burial Grounds

Burial Grounds

Leitrim County Council owns and manages many Burial Grounds in County Leitrim. A list of the Burial Grounds in County Leitrim which are owned and managed by Leitrim County Council is attached.

Link to List of Burial Grounds

Each of these Burial Grounds have a Graveyard Caretaker who is responsible for the overall management of the Burial Ground – Allocation of Burial Plots, Supervision of Burials, liaison with bereaved families and with undertakers, supervision of erection of headstones, overall supervision of Burial Ground, etc. Due to limited financial and staffing resources, Leitrim County Council is not in a position to provide ongoing day to day maintenance of these burial grounds and there are numerous voluntary local committees and organisations which carry out ongoing maintenance and upkeep of these burial grounds. The high standard in which these Burial Grounds are maintained is a credit to these local organisations and groups.

Many other burial grounds (particularly the older burial grounds) are owned and managed by Church Authorities – e.g. by the Catholic Church, Church of Ireland, etc. and these are managed/controlled by the local Parish and the Clergy.

Leitrim County Council Burial Grounds Policy

Leitrim County Council’s Policy with regard to the operation and management of Burial Grounds in County Leitrim is attached.

Link to Leitrim County Council Burial Ground Policy 2016 - 2022

Purchase of Burial Plots

Burial Plots are allocated only as the need arises e.g. upon the death of a person. Only in circumstances where a spouse is also alive, will a double or family plot be allocated. Plots cannot be purchased in advance. The Graveyard Caretaker is responsible for the allocation of Burial Plots in each Burial Ground. The cost of Burial Plots is as follows:-

  • Single Burial Plot €250
  • Double Burial Plot €500

Where the need arises for the purchase of a Burial Ground Plot, contact should be made with the Graveyard Caretaker for the relevant Burial Ground. The name and contact details of the Graveyard Caretaker is generally known locally and also the Undertaker will generally have contact details for the Graveyard Caretaker. Alternatively, please contact Leitrim County Council at the telephone numbers below.

General Enquiries

General Enquires regarding Burial Grounds, Allocation of Plots, Payment for Plots etc. should be made to Leitrim County Council as follows:

  • South Leitrim District Engineers Office – (071) 9620005 Ext. 615
  • North Leitrim District Engineers Office – (071) 9650448
  • Email: roads@leitrimcoco.ie

Grant Aid for Burial Grounds

Grant aid is available to Burial Ground Committees/Parish Committees for Capital works to Burial Grounds. Grant aid is available for the following types of works:-

  • Burial Ground Extension or other works to address capacity issues
  • Provision of Footpaths in Burial Ground
  • Access Improvements
  • Works to improve standard of accessibility of Burial Grounds
  • Other general improvement works

The Grant Aid available is 70% of the cost of the approved works subject to a maximum overall grant of €20,000. The works must be undertaken by a competent Contractor who holds the required Insurances and has a Tax Clearance Certificate. The Grant is paid out on satisfactory completion of the works. Enquiries regarding Grant aid for Burial Grounds should be made to the following:

  • Roads Department, Leitrim County Council
  • E-mail: roads@leitrimcoco.ie
  • Telephone No. (071) 9620005 Ext. 604