About Active Travel

About Active Travel

Active Travel is defined as travelling with a purpose using your own energy. Active Travel primary modes are walking, cycling and scooting. Examples of Active Travel projects includes the reallocation of overall road space to include segregated cycling lanes, widening footpaths, raised pedestrian crossings, reducing road width at crossing points and junction tightening.

Leitrim County Councils Active Travel Team aims are as follows:

  • To create a modal shift towards non-motorised transport within our county.
  • Reduce dependency on cars for short journeys.
  • Give people an attractive and safe option to leave the car at home on daily commutes.
  • Nurture an Active Travel culture amongst the school going generations.
  • Greater pedestrian and cyclist priority on our roads.

The Active Travel Department of Leitrim County Council was established in 2021. The Team are working to improve cycling and pedestrian infrastructure under the Active Travel Investment Programme, Safe Routes to School Programme and the Bus shelter Programme which is funded by the National Transport Authority.

To date 36 individual schemes have been designed and fully constructed throughout County Leitrim.

In 2024 we have received an allocation of €2,400,000 to progress 20 Active Travel schemes in County Leitrim.


The Active Travel Department can be contacted at the following email: activetravel@leitrimcoco.ie
