Unauthorised Development / Enforcement

Unauthorised Development / Enforcement

Unauthorised Development Submission Form

Where you have a valid concern that an unauthorized development may have taken place you can make a report of the alleged complaint to the Planning Authority.

The Planning Enforcement Section is only obligated to follow up on written complaints where complainant’s name and address are given.

The Planning Enforcement Section will make every effort to assess all written complaints

Where the development in question is of a trivial or minor nature, the Planning Authority may decide not to issue a Warning Letter” (Section 152(2) of Planning and Development Acts 2000, as amended, refers).

Complaints have to prioritised and investigated as resources permit.

To assist in making a speedy and comprehensive assessment of the complaint, please submit detailed information including location map and photographs where practicable.

Completed enforcement complaint forms should be returned to Planning Enforcement Section, Arás an Chontae, Carrick on Shannon, Co. Leitrim: or by Email: planning@leitrimcoco.ie

Your complaint will be assigned a number and referred to an Investigation Officer in a queue system. You will be notified in writing of any decision made on the file.

Please note that all information will be treated as confidential. However, representations or complaints which are deemed to be vexatious, frivolous, without substance or foundation will not be investigated.

Photographs of alleged unauthorised developments are of great assistance and should be supplied where available.

Complaint-Form-Unauthorised-Development-2018.docx (size 45.1 KB)