Transboundary Public Consultations

Transboundary Public Consultations

Planning Application for the proposed Morecambe Offshore Windfarm development, located in the Irish Sea approximately 30km from the Lancashire coastline


In accordance with the provisions of the 1991 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (“the Espoo Convention”), the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage received notification from the UK Planning Inspectorate (“PINS”) in relation to a development consent application (“the planning application”) by Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Ltd. Morecambe Offshore Windfarm is a project comprised of (but not limited to) an offshore wind farm located in the Irish Sea approximately 30km from the Lancashire coastline.


For the purposes of Regulation 32 of the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (the 2017 EIA Regulations) the United Kingdom Secretary of State conducted a transboundary EIA screening. This screening exercise determined that the proposed development may have transboundary environmental impacts in this State. The screening assessment is available at: EN010121-000442-MORC%20-%20Regulation%2032%20Transboundary%20Screening.pdf


A nationwide public consultation will open for submissions on 04th September 2024. A member of the public may make a written submission or observation in relation to the potential transboundary environmental effects of the project, by close of business on 09th October 2024 at the latest. Submissions or observations should be made to:


Members of the public may wish to visit the Dublin City Council public consultation portal at the link below to view correspondence from the UK’s PINS, digital copies of extracts from the applicant’s Environmental Statement, associated documents and links provided by the UK’s PINS to the full Environmental Statement and all other documentation relating to the development consent application for the proposed development.


The public consultation documents can be made available to view in the office of the Planning Section of each local authority nationwide during office hours, by appointment if required. A copy of these documents is available for inspection, or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, during office hours. Links to all documents will be made available online by each local authority. Please contact your local authority for further details.


Viewings may be by appointment only in certain local authority offices, it is strongly advised to contact your local authority to clarify the position in this regard before travelling to view the documentation. All documentation related to the development consent application for the proposed development is also available to view on the website of the UK’s PINs, including any additional information accepted by the UK’s PINS at:


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