Planning Compliance

Planning Compliance

What is Planning Compliance?

Planning Compliance is the process of complying with planning conditions set out in your final grant of permission by the Planning Authority or by An Bord Pleanála. All conditions attached to the permission must be complied with. Non-compliance with conditions can lead to enforcement proceedings.

What you need to do for Compliance of Planning Permission?

You must submit documentary evidence of any condition(s) attached to a planning permission which requires the written agreement of the Planning Authority.

Where there are conditions which should be complied with prior to commencement, you are required to submit same to the Planning Authority for approval, before commencing any works.

All documentation must be submitted to

Please note that no work should be carried out in connection with the proposed development until the Planning Authority has acknowledged and approved the necessary planning conditions in writing.

You are also required to comply with any other legislation and code (other than matters covered by planning law); for example, you may be required to submit a Commencement Notice or you may require a  Fire Safety Certificate before starting works on your development.