Regional Spatial & Economic Strategy

Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy 2020-2032 (RSES)

The RSES was prepared and published by the Northern and Western Regional Assembly (NWRA).  The NWRA is one of three Regional Assemblies in the Republic of Ireland. They work with key stakeholders at EU, national, regional and local level to accelerate and optimise effective regional development. The RSES provides the roadmap for effective regional development, it delivered a combination of response, design and innovation; in how we do business, deliver homes, build communities and value land-use, creating healthy places and promoting sustainable communities. The RSES introduces the concept of a Growth Framework to achieve this integration because regional growth cannot be achieved in linear steps. It is not only about how we adapt to global economic challenges and climate change, but also how we seize on the new dynamic. Our RSES is built on the strategic assumption that sustainability will be the future differential; a new ingredient in ‘Place’ success. Sustainability will drive decision making around housing, jobs, investment and the movement of people.

The RSES Growth Framework provides a clear sustainable strategy for compact growth and delivering those key elements known to inform business location choices. It identifies a pathway through the inclusion of a Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan (MASP) for Galway, tailored Regional Growth Centre Strategic Plans for Sligo, Athlone and Letterkenny (incorporating the strategic cross-border partnership with Derry-Strabane) and the identification of priority actions for Key Towns and places. This region is also defined by its strong connection to our rural areas and rural economies. The RSES provides for the careful management and encouragement of development within rural areas, to ensure that they remain and grow as vibrant communities.

The RSES provides a high-level development framework for the Northern and Western Region that supports the implementation of the National Planning Framework (NPF) and the relevant economic policies and objectives of Government. It provides a 12-year strategy to deliver the transformational change that is necessary to achieve the objectives and vision of the Regional Assembly. 

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