Turnkey Acquisitions Expressions of Interest
Under the Housing for All Delivery Programme the Council is seeking to increase the number of social houses being brought into use, through various delivery mechanisms, including the acquisition of turnkey units. The Council frequently advertise seeking Expressions of Interest for Turnkey Developments to provide additional social housing units in locations throughout the county. Expressions of Interest will be advertised in the local media, on our website and on the e-tenders website www.etenders.gov.ie.
The Council is seeking to increase the number of social housing units by acquiring residentially zoned land and delivering direct build housing projects and through the acquisition of turnkey units on greenfield/brownfield sites and/or unfinished housing development sites.
It is an objective of the Council to create sustainable communities by encouraging a greater mix of social and private housing.
Details of our most recent Turnkey Expression of Interest Request is available here: Leitrim Turnkey 2025 Expression of Interest Form.pdf