

If you are an existing tenant of Leitrim County Council for a minimum period of 2 years, you can in certain cases apply for a transfer to alternative accommodation.  Tenants of the housing authority, including tenants of dwellings provided under the Social Housing Leasing Initiative, RAS, or by AHB’s may apply for consideration for a transfer to other dwellings, under the following circumstances -

Down-sizing: – tenants who wish to transfer to a smaller unit of housing authority accommodation.

Exceptional medical/disability or compassionate grounds: where the tenant has a serious disability /medical condition or illness for which the allocation of a transfer to an alternative housing authority dwelling would improve the tenant’s medical condition. The housing authority shall obtain and have regard to a report from an Occupational Therapist/Medical Practitioner in respect of any specific accommodation requirements.

Overcrowding: where the existing accommodation is no longer suitable on the grounds of over-crowding due to an increase in the family composition since the original date of allocation of the property.

The housing authority will not consider transferring a tenant because of unsatisfactory relations with a neighbouring tenant or because of dissatisfaction in general with the estate or the neighbourhood.

Notwithstanding the above, tenants seeking a transfer must fulfil the following requirements to the satisfaction of the housing authority

The following conditions also apply to the approval of a transfer request:

  1. Tenants must have a clear rent account with no arrears relating to their existing tenancy
  2. The tenants must have complied with all the conditions of their letting agreement
  3. The tenants must not have engaged in anti-social behaviour for the previous two years
  4. The tenants must have resided in their current accommodation for the previous two years
  5. Subject to an inspection of the existing accommodation the property must be in a satisfactory condition
  6. The date of application for a transfer will only be set after all the conditions for a transfer have been met in the opinion of the housing authority.