Incremental Tenant Purchase Scheme

This is a scheme for the purchase of existing local authority houses. If you are a local authority tenant living in a local authority house, that is available for sale under the scheme and you meet the eligibility criteria, you can apply to purchase your house.

New eligibility criteria to the Incremental Tenant Purchase Scheme which enables tenants to purchase the local authority home they live in will take effect from 29 January 2024. The changes to the qualifying criteria of the scheme will now mean those with an annual income of €11,000 will now be eligible to apply (replacing the previous income limit of €12,500). Amongst other benefits, this will make it easier for some older tenants to buy their homes if they have the financial means to do so.

In addition to changes in the income eligibility, the previous requirement in the case of joint applications that both tenants had to have been receiving social housing support for ten years has been changed and now only one tenant is required to fulfil the 10-year requirement.

If you are interested in purchasing your existing Local Authority accommodation, you can contact the Housing Department and you will be issued with an application form.  The Council reserves the right to refuse the sale of a number of dwellings within the Housing Stock.




