How is my Rent Assessed

How is my Rent Assessed

Calculation of Rent

If you are offered and accept a tenancy of a Council property, you will be requested to provide up to date income details for all household income in order that your weekly rent contribution can be assessed in accordance with the Council’s Differential Rent Scheme. The rents of dwellings let is calculated on the basis of 20% of assessable income, less €14.00 for every person residing full time in the household. After the rent payable in respect of the principal earner has been determined, 10% of the income of the subsidiary earner shall be added subject to a maximum contribution of €8.88 from each subsidiary earner.

Details of all accessible and non-accessible income are available in the Differential Rent Scheme.


Change in circumstances

If there is a change in circumstances with regard to your household income, it is important that you notify the Housing Department and provide up to date information with regard to your income in order that your weekly rent contribution can be re-assessed.