Anti Social Behaviour

Anti Social Behaviour

Every local authority has a statutory duty to adopt and review an anti-social behaviour strategy for the prevention and reduction of anti-social behaviour in its housing stock.

You can get a copy of Leitrim County Council’s Anti Social Behaviour Policy here Anti-Social-Behaviour-Strategy-2016.pdf 

Local authorities also have powers under the Housing Acts 1966 to 2014 to manage their housing stock, including, in the case of anti-social behaviour, powers to recover possession of dwellings and to seek court orders excluding persons from social housing accommodation or estates for periods of up to 3 years.

Local authorities are also empowered to refuse to allocate, or to refuse to sell, dwellings to persons engaged in anti-social behaviour.

Complaints relating to Anti-Social Behaviour need to be submitted in writing on the prescribed Complaint Form. A copy of which is available here Anti-Social-Behaviour-Complaint-Form.pdf

Anonymous complaints will not be investigated.