Private Residential Inspections

Landlords are required by law, to ensure that their property complies with certain minimum standards e.g. free from damp, in good structural repair, hot and cold water, adequate means of heating and ventilation, appliances in good working order, electrical wiring, gas, pipes in good repair.

Local authorities are responsible for enforcing these minimum standards in rented accommodation. On an annual basis, Leitrim County Council carries out an Inspection Programme of properties that have been registered with the PRTB (Private Residential Tenancies Board). 

If you think that your home does meet these minimum standards, you should tell your landlord first. If the landlord fails to co-operate you can contact the Housing Department and request that an inspection of the property be carried out.

If following inspection a property is deemed not to meet the minimum standards for private rented accommodation, the Council can issue Improvement Notices and Prohibition Notices to landlords who breach the minimum standards regulations. An Improvement Notice outlines what the landlord must do to fix the breach of regulations. If the landlord does not complete these works, the Council can issue a Prohibition Notice. This notice tells the landlord not to re-let the property until they fix the breach in regulations.