Housing for People with Disabilities

Housing for People with Disabilities

Individuals with a disability can apply to Leitrim County Council for social housing support. At the initial application stage, the applicant can submit the HDM1 Form completed by a Medical Practitioner outlining the nature of the disability and any specific adaptations that would be required to render the accommodation suitable to meet the needs of the individual having regard to their special needs.

Housing for people with a disability involves a cross government response:

  • The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage's role involves the provision of a national framework of policy, legislation and funding to underpin the role of local authorities in addressing housing at local level.
  • Statutory responsibility in relation to the provision of housing for people with a disability and related services rests with individual local authorities.
  • The Health Service Executive is responsible for the provision of healthcare and social supports for people with a disability and manages a significant annual budget for such services. 
  • The Department of Health also provides funding to facilitate housing and support for people with a disability and in collaboration with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage is involved in the provision of a national framework of policy and legislation for housing of people with disabilities.
  • The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth coordinates the development of Government disability policy on a wider scale. This in turn informs Department policy on housing.