Housing For All

Housing For All

The overall aim of the housing plan for Ireland is that everyone in the State should have access to a home to purchase or rent at an affordable price, built to a high standard and in the right place, offering a high quality of life. The plan’s vision is to have a steady supply of housing in the correct locations with economic, social, and environmental sustainability built into the system. Housing for All provides four pathways to achieving its overarching objectives:

Supporting Homeownership and Increasing Affordability.

  • Eradicating Homelessness, Increasing Social Housing Delivery and Supporting Social Inclusion.
  • Increasing New Housing Supply.
  • Addressing Vacancy and Efficient Use of Existing Stock

Housing for All is the Government’s plan to increase the overall supply of housing over the next decade. A key action of Housing for All is that each Local Authority must develop a Housing Delivery Action Plans to include details of their proposed social housing delivery. The Plan sets out details of the social housing delivery as appropriate over the period 2022-2026 in line with targets set under Housing for All.

Leitrim County Council have developed the Leitrim Housing Delivery Action Plan 2022-2026 which sets out the annual targets to be achieved for the delivery of social housing outputs over the lifetime of the plan from 2022 to 2026. This delivery is being achieved using a variety of delivery streams including our build programme, long term leasing, acquisition, Part V of Planning and Development Act. Funding support is provided by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. 

Leitrim Housing Delivery Action Plan 2022-2026

The Leitrim Gathering 2025

The Leitrim Gathering is a global celebration event of Leitrim’s culture, natural beauty and community, and will be taking place 23rd - 25th of May 2025.

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The Leitrim Gathering 2025