Choice Based Lettings

Choice Based Lettings

What is Choice Based Letting?

Choice Based Letting (CBL) is a method that can be used for the allocation of Social Housing which is designed to offer more choice and involvement for applicant households in selecting a new home. Available Social Housing is let by being openly advertised, allowing qualified households to apply for available homes.

A qualified household is one which has applied for Social Housing Support and whose application has been approved or one which is already in receipt of Social Housing Support and who has applied to transfer to another form of support whose application for such transfer has been approved.

Applicants act on their own initiative to respond to advertisements and apply for dwellings which they would like to live in.

What Properties will be available under CBL?

The Scheme only applies to dwellings which have been specifically designated by the Housing Authority for CBL, which are then referred to as ‘bid dwellings’.

How are Properties Advertised?

Properties available under Choice Based Letting are advertised on our Social Media pages on the first working day of the month with a link to this page which will have details of the property available during the particular bid period each month.  A household that wishes to be considered for allocation of any of the properties advertised must, apply in writing or email to express an interest in the property.  The closing date for Expressions of Interest will be indicated on the notice each month.  Households who wish to express an interest in multiple properties that may be advertised are required to include their preference in order of choice.