About Natural Heritage

About Natural Heritage

Natural Heritage

The geology and topography of Leitrim varies significantly, from the table-like mountains and glacial glens in the Northern half of the county to the undulating drumlin landscape in the southern lowlands. This varied topography and the extensive rivers systems and loughs across the county have resulted in a mosaic of natural and man-made habitats. Blanket bog, heath, natural grassland, conifer plantations and pasture are the dominate habitats to the north of Lough Allen. Grassland dominates the Southern half of the county, with conifer plantations scattered throughout the area and broadleaf woodlands concentrated around Lough Rinn and along the Shannon. Wetlands are sparse in southern Leitrim with small areas associated with lough margins, inter-drumlins areas and along the course of the Shannon and raised bogs restricted to the southernmost part of the County, where they occupy long, narrow inter-drumlin hollows.

A dense network of hedgerows across the county gives the impression of a well wooded landscape and provide an invaluable source of food, shelter and refuge for flora and fauna. 

The National Parks and Wildlife Service provide information, maps and reports on protected habitats and species in Leitrim, including National Heritage Areas, Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas. This website also contains information on license requirements, planning and Wildlife Manuals relating to the conservation management of habitats and species.

The National Biodiversity Data Centre provide information on flora and fauna species and sightings in Leitrim can be reported here. Biodiversity mapping of Leitrim can be viewed here. 

For more information on Biodiversity in Leitrim, please see the Leitrim County Council Biodiversity Section of this website.