The O'Rourke's of Leitrim

The O'Rourke's of Leitrim


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The story of the O’Rourke’s is an integral part of the story of the development of Leitrim.

Leitrim was part of the Kingdom of Breifne during the early medieval period. Historical records of the county’s status during this period remain debatable, particularly with its rulers and their respective reigns. It was, however, the O’Rourke family who has solidified their reputation as primary chieftain of the Kingdom of Breifne for approximately 600 years, starting from the 8th-9th century.

In 2024 Abarta Heritage are carrying out a Heritage Audit and Interpretation Plan of the O’Rourke’s of Leitrim, which will form the first phase of a multiphase project to explore and uncover the story of the family.

O’Rourke’s of Leitrim Memory Map 

If you’re an O’Rourke, or if you’re familiar with the history, folklore or any places associated with the O’Rourke’s, we’d love to hear from you. An online ‘Memory Map’ has been created where you can contribute stories, folklore, poems, memories, images or songs and recordings about this family who once dominated the beautiful landscapes of Leitrim. The ‘Memory Map’ is a new project that celebrates the O’Rourke’s and their rich heritage and legacy in this region.

Stories and content uploaded to the ‘Memory Map’ can be shared with the wider public to raise awareness and to celebrate the impact this family had on the north west of Ireland.

If you would like to contribute to the ‘Memory Map’ or browse some of the stories already collected and uploaded there, you can follow the link here:

Please see the link below to a video by historian Dr. Paul MacCotter as he charts the history of this great family from early medieval times through the centuries:

This is a Leitrim County Council Heritage Project, funded by the Heritage Council and coordinated by Abarta Heritage. The O'Rourke Memory Map is funded by Creative Ireland.