About Cultural Heritage

About Cultural Heritage

Leitrim has a rich and distinctive cultural heritage, which includes both tangible artifacts and intangible attributes, values, and traditions which have been inherited from previous generations, maintained in the current generation, and preserved for future generations.

Tangible cultural heritage includes archaeological objects and heritage objects. Intangible cultural heritage includes the Irish Language, folklore, folklife, oral history, genealogy, museums, archives, local history, placenames, music, dance, sport, literature and customs such as Pattern Days and Mumming.

The Local Studies Department is located at Ballinamore Library and contains an extensive collection of material relating to the printed history of County Leitrim. Details of the local studies resources and opening times can be viewed here.

The National Folklore Collection, which includes The Schools Collection, documents folklore and folklife in Leitrim and can be access online at duchas.ie.