Leitrim Village Flood Relief Scheme

Leitrim Village Flood Relief Scheme

Leitrim County Council in conjunction with the OPW is progressing a Flood Relief Scheme for Leitrim Village. Leitrim County Council have appointed consulting engineers Ryan Hanley to progress this scheme.

The outline Scheme Area for this project is the village of Leitrim Village which has a history of flooding from the River Shannon and the Shannon Erne Canal. The Shannon CFRAM study identified Leitrim Village as an Area for Further Assessment (AFA) and concluded that a flood relief scheme would be viable and effective for the community. The consultants will progress the engineering and environmental elements of the project throughout the following five stages:

  • Stage I: Option Assessment, Scheme Development and Design,
  • Stage II: Planning / Development Consent Process,
  • Stage III: Detailed Construction Design, Compilation of Work Packages and the preparation of Tenders for Contracts,
  • Stage IV: Construction Supervision & Project Management Services,
  • Stage V: Handover of Works

Up to date details of the scheme are available in Briefing Notes attached

Link to Briefing Note Feb 2021

Link to Briefing Note 2 March 2021

Link to Briefing Note 3 April 2021

Link to Constaints Study Report March 2022