

Throughout the year Leitrim Fire Service receives notification of applications to the court for licences for various types. As a notice party to many types of licence applications Leitrim Fire Authority is requested to carry out inspections of premises and to be represented at the licence hearing to state if it has any objection to the licence being granted.

For more information about the types of notifications the Fire Authority receives, and the notification periods required please download the Notification Requirements Table for Licensing.

Event Licencing

Leitrim Fire and Rescue Service is a notifiable body as part of the planning process for large Events, Concerts, St Patricks day parade etc. at various venues/ locations around the County. 

The following links are to the relevant legislation that applies:

Licensing of Indoor Events Act 2003

Planning and Development Act, 2000 – S.I. No. 30

Planning and Development (Licensing of Outdoor Events) Regulations, 2001 – S.I. No. 154    

Codes of Practice

Technical Guidance Document B - Fire Safety (2006)  

Code of Practice for the Management of Fire Safety in Places of Assembly

Code of Practice for Fire Safety of Furnishings and Fittings in Places of Assembly(1989)

Code of Practice for Fire Safety and Indoor Concerts 1998

Guide to Fire Safety in Existing Nursing Homes and Similar Type Premises (1996)

Guide to Fire Safety in Flats, Bedsitters and Apartments(1994)

Guide To Fire in Guest Accommodation

Guide to Fire Precautions in Existing Hotels, Guesthouses and Similar Premises

Fire Safety in Gaeltacht Households Accommodating Foghlaimeoiri Gaeilge

Fire Safety in Preschools(1999)

Fire Safety in Hostels(1998)