General Rates Information

Commercial Rates


Tailte Éireann is the State property valuation agency responsible for the valuation of all commercial property for the purposes of the levying of commercial rates by Local Authorities. Commercial rates are an annual charge on commercial property to pay for the general provision of services of Local Authorities. Commercial rates are payable on commercial, industrial and some other non-domestic properties. Local Authorities calculate commercial rates liabilities on the basis of valuations provided to them by Tailte Éireann.


At the Annual Budget meeting of Leitrim County Council held on 13th November 2023 the Elected Members agreed the Annual Rate of Valuation of .2436 for the ordinary expenditure of Leitrim County Council for the service of the year commencing on 1st January, 2024.


Notice is hereby given that County Rates have been duly made on the property rateable thereto in County Leitrim.
The Annual Rate on Valuation (ARV) for the ordinary expenditure of Leitrim County Council for the service of the year commencing on 1st January 2024 is .2436
The said rates will be payable from and after the publication of this notice dated Wednesday 10th January 2024.

Calculation of your 2024 Rates Liability

Your rates liability for 2024 will be calculated by multiplying the Valuation of the property by the “Annual Rate on Valuation” (ARV). The valuation of the property is available on the Valuation Certificate issued by the Valuation Office. The ARV for 2024 is .2436
The following formula is used to calculate your indicative Rates Liability for 2024.
(Valuation of the property) x ARV = Rates Liability
Valuation of the Property: (€5,900)
ARV: (.2436)
€5,900 x .2436 = €1,437.24

In the example above the Commercial Rates Liability for 2024 is €1,437.24

Collection Areas

Commercial Rates Areas 1-3 as follows:
Area 1 (Manorhamilton/Kinlough/Kiltyclogher)
Area 2 (Dromahaire/Drumkeeran)
Area 3 (Drumshanbo/Ballinamore/Keshcarrigan)
Contact details:
Telephone: (071) 9620005, ext 351 or (087) 2129666

Commercial Rate Area 4-5 as follows:

Area 4 (Carrick-on-Shannon, Leitrim, Drumsna, Dromod, Rooskey)
Area 5 (Mohill, Carrigallen, Newtowngore)
Contact Details
Telephone: (071) 9620005, ext 352 or (087) 2139327