Tidy Towns

Tidy Towns

Leitrim County Council is proud to support the work of the Tidy Towns committees/groups in Co. Leitrim and are working closely with them on an ongoing basis support.

You are probably aware that Tidy Towns groups do regular litter cleanups, but there is so much more than this involved- from drawing up plans, to making bird nestboxes and painting old buildings. The Tidy Towns competition has expanded to include helping wildlife, protecting our built heritage and helping communities to reduce waste and increase recycling.

So, if you have a couple of hours to spare and want to become involved in improving your community- why not give it a try? If you want to become involved in your local Tidy Towns group, we can help you get in touch with them or find your local group on social media.

Click here for a link to https://www.tidytowns.ie/ 

Click here for contact details for Environment, Leitrim County Council